Waterbaby Candles

As a florist, my senses are everything. The sight of golden leaves glowing in the autumn sunlight in the treetops that arch above my garden, the soft touch of a ruffle of delicate rose petals against my fingers as I arrange some stems in a vase. The sound of the birds outside my studio and the gentle trickle of water as I fill up my vessels. The taste of home grown mint from my cutting garden, as good in a home made tea as it is in a bouquet. And maybe above all, scent. That magic ingredient, impossible to hold in your hands but the essence of our love affair with the natural world.

As a small girl I made rose petal perfume in my grandmas garden, spent Autumns walking beneath avenues of giant oak trees picking up acorns and spotting red squirrels doing the same. Christmas was my favourite holiday and full to the brim of bowls of oranges and spices around the house. When I close my eyes and breathe in these aromas even now, I am transported to these happy, early memories and this is what I wanted to capture and share with you with my new Waterbaby Scented Candle Collection.

We have gathered up the heady nostalgic scents of my childhood and combined them with our principles of sustainability and British suppliers to offer you a luxurious sensory experience with a purity of heart.

Step into the world of Waterbaby Candles and learn more about our first 7 unique home scent journeys in our online store today.

Introducing Rose, Tobacco and our limited edition festive special, Christmas.

Curated, hand blended and poured by Waterbaby in the beautiful British countryside